Wednesday, June 28, 2006


A friend recently wrote me about his views on the World Trade Center. I'm a little surprised we haven't compared notes before. His letter came just minutes after my reading of a new article on that very topic (nothing in it was new to anyone that really follows the issue). I'm planning my own post very soon. I tend to forget that news and reports I've seen and opinions I've had for quite a while are still new to a lot of other people that either aren't really all that into the news or get all their news from a single (MSM) source.

There has been a recent convergence in the reporting of several issues I feel very strongly about. One is, of course, issues concerning 9-11 and the WTC. As I mentioned, I intend a post on this in the near future. Another is the recent and much needed push for awareness of the horrific (and criminal) use of depleted uranium weapons, the devastating aftermath of their use and the consequences we all face as a result. Be very sure that I will be posting on this. Add to those, the renewed interest that trade negotiations between the U.S. Japan on re-opening the Japanese market to U.S. beef exports is having on the reporting about Mad Cow Disease. I also have strong opinions on the recent negotiations themselves. Not to say that there aren't many other things I'm interested in (many of them closely intertwined with the above), but the issues I follow most closely seem to be in convergence this week.

I'm headed to the States in less than two weeks. The trip is not really a vacation. I won't be spending much time with anyone but close family. Still, it'll be my first time back in 3 1/2 years. A lot has changed in that time. It'll be interesting to see the changes from a different point of view. I already know that I'll feel like a foreigner. I felt like a tourist the last time I was back, and I've changed a lot since that time. It's a very strange feeling to have in the country you were born and lived in for 27 years.

My trip brings up another issue that has been reported on with some frequency in the last year or so. The TSA (Transport Security Agency) in U.S. airports. While I've been back to the States since 9-11, this will be my first time back since the TSA has been in charge of airport security. I've read nightmare stories of people that found themselves for no apparent reason on the "Watch List". Even the TSA admits to some 30,000 people on the list that shouldn't be (which no doubt means the number is much higher). When I combine that with the U.S. government openly and illegally wire-tapping phones and reading private e-mail, I don't like my chances for smooth travel this time around. It sounds paranoid (and probably is) but the U.S. taps international phone calls, and mine often contain "key words and phrases" they are listening for because I often end up talking about world events, etc. The U.S. is monitoring e-mail, and mine definitely talks about a lot of stuff that could be "flagged" (not to mention my ISP is owned by AT&T). My passion for news means I look to sources from many points of view before coming to my own conclusions (this includes many middle eastern countries, China, get the idea). Add to all that, the fact that this time I won't be traveling with my cute, young Japanese wife and instead will be a surly 43 year-old skinhead traveling alone on a ticket bought in cash on short notice....I guess I shouldn't actually wear my anti-d.u. weapons t-shirt, huh?

Convergence baby!


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