Tuesday, July 04, 2006

911 (Controlled Demolition)

Let me begin this with some common ground that I suspect is beyond anyone's ability to debate or disagree with in any way. The events of 9-11-01 have become a pivotal point in history that will be examined, debated, and taught for decades to come. "nine-eleven" written in various ways is now an actual term that can be looked up in a dictionary. There are very few times in history when a single event can be said to have changed the world so dramatically in such a short period of time. Few consider the world today the same world we woke up to on 9-10-01.

Rather than use the event itself to discuss how it led the U.S. into two wars (not counting the never-ending War On Terror), the shredding of the constitution and the vilification of America in most of the world's eyes, in this post I'm going to stay with the issue of the collapse of the Twin Towers and Building 7.

Let me begin by saying that all the evidence I've seen points to a controlled demolition. Granted, that a majority of that evidence would have to be considered circumstantial, but the sheer volume of it is staggering. Add to that, some logical thinking and the statistical odds of concurrent events and it's close to impossible not to see what happened that day as anything but a pre-planned, controlled demolition.

The "official" story is filled with holes and discrepancies. No steel-frame high-rise structure has ever collapsed due to fire (and there were several that have burned for days and gutted multiple floors). Steel does not melt at the temperatures that jet fuel burns. Why was the steel carted off and recycled before adequate testing could be done to it? The buildings collapsed too fast for any other explanation than there was no support at all below each level that fell (contradicting the "pancake" explanation). The odds of a building collapsing absolutely vertically are astronomical...and for it to happen three times to three different buildings (one of which was not hit by a plane and had no jet fueled fires) in nine hours is simply unbelievable. Any idea of the wind load on the upper levels of tall buildings in NYC? That alone should have toppled the buildings in a non-vertical fall. These are just a few things that stand out. The list could (and does) fill several books.

I'm not really qualified to comment in detail on any of these issues. I just want people to think about this themselves without blindly believing just what they see and hear on television or read in newspapers. The lack of adequate reporting on these issues is a whole other topic in and of itself. There is so much information readily available on the web that I will only point to some of what I consider to be the best informational sites. First and foremost, I recommend everyone watch Loose Change as soon as possible. If you have a a reasonably fast connection, you can watch it free here, or you can order the DVD here. If you think anyone who believes there is something drastically wrong with the "official" version of what happened on 9-11 is a nut-case or wing-nut, watching this will absolutely give you cause to re-evaluate. For a large collection of articles on 911 from various sources try this. Another excellent site worth a visit is www.911truth.org.

Was there a conspiracy? I have to believe there was. Was it an inside job? Personally, I think so. I'm not going to get into that in this post (no doubt it'll come up in others). I want simply to have people look into this for themselves. Don't believe everything you read....but read it anyway, and from several sources. Then read something that you do believe. Compare them, match them fact for fact. Argue your points from a fact base, not just rhetoric. Come to your own conclusions.

If there is indeed more to what happened than the government claims, then this is perhaps one of the most important things to occur in our time. It's worth the effort to make yourself informed...at the very least.

I said I would stick to the collapse of the buildings, and I will, but think about this: How long would it take to rig a building (or three) for controlled demolition? What condition was the owner of the WTC in financially before 9-11...after? How much were the buildings insured for, and when was that policy purchased/modified?