Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Imagine that one of the world's leading news organizations poorly doctored a photo, then used the controversy around it to discredit a photographer and cast doubt on every other photo out of a region that desparately needs public support?

People in southern Lebanon have been informed by Israel that they should flee if the wish to avoid being targeted. They have also been told by Israel that they should avoid roads and bridges or they would be targeted. Add to that, the fact that a great deal of roads and bridges have already been destroyed. What option is there but to find the deepest hole possible and dig even deeper? Oh, water and other basic needs...and keep in mind that there is no longer any electricity.

My overactive imagination leaves me shivering at the thought. Anyone with a shred of imagination should just try thinking themselves in that situation. Thousands upon thousands are living it as I type this.

To paraphrase from, and expand on an article I recently read:

Imagine that most of the Catholics in the world moved to Vatican City this year. They’d need to expand the borders a little for living conditions, etc. They would. They’d need to create the infrastructure to accommodate them...along with a very powerful army to make sure things go smoothly. Imagine that the Italians wouldn’t be too happy about that. Then comes the the hostilities, the settlements, the safety zones, the walls....oh yeah, the newly settled Catholics would need (internal) fresh water supplies and some kind of port access. No worries though, because Catholics around the world will help them in any way possible (especially financially). The U.N. wouldn’t be too happy about all this (not to mention the Italians now displaced from where they once lived). They would likely issue many various resolutions...which the Catholics would then ignore because of their powerful friends (and hey, safety of Us First!, right?!). During the course of this, a law would enter the books that Catholics in Vatican City were forbidden to marry non-Catholic Italians. Anyone that has anything to say about ANY of that is Anti-Christian! In fact You would be anti-christian even to even imagine that this isn't the way God intended things to be!

Absurd to imagine such a thing, huh?

Imagine this: The actual “start” of the Lebanon “hostilities” was the “kidnap” (funny how different the word "kidnap" is from "capture", huh?) of several soldiers that were actually WITHIN Lebanon borders. Imagine that other leaders (read: U.S., U.K.) were informed well in advance.

Imagination can be a bitch, huh?!


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