Saturday, September 22, 2007


Ask why Billions of your tax dollars are spent on a firm of hired mercenaries (Blackwater) that will remain even after the so-called democratically elected government has asked to leave (and it’s a travesty that they get paid better than our own fighting forces).

Ask where your National Guard is...and why. (while you are at it, ask how supplied and funded they are for their primary purpose)

Ask why money through lobbyists and large corporations seems to rule all in a supposedly honest, free democracy.

Ask why my mother’s property values have dropped too low to allow her to retire (with no optimism in the near future).

Ask why the government is so far in debt that it appears incapable of digging its way out.

Ask why we have so many homeless vets and children in the streets while sending billions of dollars to Israel each and every year.

Ask virtually anything about Israel (keeping in mind you will likely be branded anti-Semitic)

Ask virtually anything about depleted uranium.

Ask why our schools get so little funding when they are so essential.

Ask almost anything about out-sourcing or what the U.S. actually makes in its entirety these days.

Ask why Central banks across the world are unloading their US dollar reserves.

Ask why nobody seems to want to investigate why three steel frame buildings collapsed in their footprints at almost free fall speed in the same day when it has never happened to even one before or since (outside of controlled demolition).

Ask why every presidential signature these days erodes, or more honestly, ignores the very document that the country is based on (the Constitution).

Ask why Ron Paul is actively ignored by mainstream media when he scores very well in nearly every straw poll.

Ask why the Democrates have basically done nothing they promised before they were elected even though they hold a majority of both houses.

Ask why we no longer follow the Geneva Conventions.

Ask why our soldiers are required to spend longer times with fewer breaks in a war that was based on Al’Qaida ties that even our government now says didn’t exist, weapons of mass destruction that weren’t there (the falsification of “evidence” has also been proven), and the promises that we would be greeted as liberators. (absolutely no disrespect to anyone willing to fight and die for our country intended on this one)

Ask why it’s so hard to fly anywhere these days (and it’s gonna get worse).

Ask weather you are safer today than you were ten years ago.

Now replace “ask” with “do a little research on”. Not as easy, but man, what you will learn!

Time to wake up before its too late.

Here’s a good way to start: Read the Declaration of Independence to get a mind frame. Then really read the Constitution. The next step would be to check to see what parts of that wonderful document are no longer being adhered to (I have more than a few places for you to check if you need them....but looking for yourself will help you understand much more fully). After that, work your way through the rest.

No small amount of work, I admit, But the entire world can benefit. No kidding! You plus another 100 million or so and things would begin to change for the better everywhere.

-We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. When the loyal opposition dies, I think the soul of America dies with it.
-Edward R. Murrow

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