Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Both Sides

This is the man that America needs right now. He's not available. He has his own battles at the moment. Whether you know it or not, for the most part, they are your battles too.

His name is George Galloway. He is a Member of Parliament in the U.K.

When is the last time American politics has seen a plain-spoken, intelligent person that studies and really knows all sides of an issue, takes a side and fights for it with strength and eloquence? A person that isn't afraid of the media (or the U.S. Senate) but nevertheless finds his/herself with a public forum.

Before you can even answer that, you need to start looking into both sides of every issue that is important to you...and not just just both sides as reported by one side. Knowing what's happening in the world takes more than a click on the remote. For that matter, knowing what's happening in the U.S. requires more than a remote.

Don't believe what you hear about MP Galloway (if you have heard of him). Don't believe what you hear about anyone...check them out for yourself...multiple sources/multiple countries. You are never informed unless you know what the other side thinks...from their own thoughts. You are reading this now, check out MP Galloway on the computer. I can point you in the direction of some excellent video clips.

If you have ever heard MP Galloway in a debate, you would know that the reason he wins is because he does know both sides of issues he is concerned about and can speak from his beliefs. Like him, love him, or hate him...just know why, and be able to defend your opinions. I personally find his strength and honesty unsurprisingly lacking in U.S. politics.

Side Note: Strength and Honesty are sell-points for Bush too...he has neither. Fact after fact is just ignored while lie after lie spouts from his mouth. He doesn't even know what he's saying most of the time; just check out his response to serious (unscripted) questions (I can point you to more than a few video clips). Honesty is something of a fairy-tale in the current U.S. administration (debate me with facts, and be prepared to back them up with proof).

If you believe nothing of what you read here, fair enough. If you believe nothing of what you read here and look to sources (from both sides) to refute me....We both win!!!

Here's some advice: Want to know what Iran thinks about things? (do not listen to U.S. news sources) Check an Iranian English language website, check respected European and/or Asian news sites. You'll find things you have never seen or heard about. You want the insights into Gaza or Lebanon and what the people there think? You'll never get it unless you get it from the source...their source. Again, check non-American third party'll be surprised if you don't just disregard all of it as crap because you haven't heard about any of that stuff before.

You don't have to believe any of it. You don't have to believe me. I could be as full of crap as that Fox News journalist you watch every night. Compare what you read and see from abroad to sources you trust. Ask yourself why they are so different. Open yourself to the truth that maybe your sources aren't the pinnacles of Truth and Fairness. Make your own mind up.

That's the point of this whole site. I generally give you my slant on things and really hope it causes you to check it out for yourself!

Believe only half of what you see and nothing that you hear.
-Dinah Maria Mulock Craik


At Thu Sep 21, 06:46:00 AM GMT+9, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kindly post the links to the video clips you alluded to. Rather curious to see/hear these. Thank you! DC

At Thu Nov 23, 09:30:00 PM GMT+9, Blogger Steve said...

Was doing some "house-cleaning" and found this. I'm going to answer despite the fact that the chances it will be read by anonymous.

The links can be found in the archives of Mr. Rivera's I may have also referred to material from

At this late date, I won't look for specifics. They can be found at one or both of those sources however.

Very sorry for this untimely response!


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