Saturday, September 09, 2006

The REAL 9-11 Conspiracy

With 9-11 approaching, the media salivating and the U.S. government in election-mode, conspiracy theories are once again big "news".

Before you even read the rest of this you should watch Loose Change 2nd edition. A vast majority of this documentary is not anything more than clips of interviews from people on the scene. These are video and audio clips that you will not likely be hearing in the next few days. They are nevertheless actual clips, some of which I actually remember hearing five years ago.

When you hear MSM (Main Stream Media) talking about the various "conspiracy theories" surrounding 9-11, a vast majority of them will indeed be unsubstantiated and pretty far "out there". This is intentional and designed to show you how crazy anyone that doubts the "official" explanation really is. What you won't hear too much about are the facts. You won't see any unedited debates with the scientists or scholars who are dedicating their lives to finding the facts. These people are very informed and have a completely different explanation for the events on 9-11-2001. Many of them would be happy to stand in a live, unedited debate with virtually anyone the government puts up to defend its findings.

A live debate on the facts. Now that would be something to see (of course it would only be a real debate if the government allowed the real experts to stand against them).

Really...what are the chances of a 110 floor building dropping directly into its own footprint without controlled demolition (for any reason)? Historically, none. What are the chances of it happening twice in the same day (for ANY reason)? I know this picture is small, but I'm too tired and lazy to do better right now. It shows two buildings that didn't collapse at all and the amount of time they burned, along with two buildings that literally dropped into their own footprints in just about no time at all. Here's the one to wrap your head around: What are the chances that a 47 story building nearby the first two buildings (not hit by a plane, no aviation fuel) ALSO falling into its own footprint...ALSO on the same day?! There IS science to show that this could never happen...but really! Common sense alone... Keep this in mind as all the commercial and political hype are pounded into your head repeatedly over the next few days each and every time you turn on the TV, open the paper, or turn on the radio.

I am repeatedly told not to believe everything I see on the internet. Anyone can write anything. I know that. What I don't understand is why those same people refuse to believe that the same thing is true of the news they watch on TV and the papers and magazines they read. I always look at who is writing the articles I read. Try checking who owns the stations you watch and prints the papers and magazines you read...I'll give odds that my sources trump yours hands down!


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